Health Safety Environment & Community (HSEC) Policy

Pic 3Our Commitment

We are committed to continual improvement in our HSEC performance.


Health and Safety

Senior management is committed to providing and maintaining, as far as is practicable, a safe and healthy work environment, conductive to high morale and productivity.

Employees at all levels in the organisation are expected to support management initiatives.



We strive to be valued corporate citizens in the communities that we operate.

We respect the values and cultural heritage of local people.


Our Actions

To meet out HSEC commitments, we will set targets, develop, implement and maintain management standards and systems, and comply with relevant industry standards and legal requirements.

We will regularly monitor and report on our progress.

We will engage with our stakeholders to build relationships based on honesty, openness and mutual trust and share responsibility for meeting goals of our HSEC policy.

We will identify, assess and reduce our HSEC risks.

Every effort will be made in the areas of Safety education, Accident prevention, Hazard control, Injury prevention and rehabilitation, Health preservation and promotion to ensure that safety of the workplace, and the health of our workforce.